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Q & A
1. |
What is "BEP" ? |
2. |
How is the vitality of brain cells increased? Why aren't related articles or reports seen in the medical fields? |
3. |
What is "Brain Plasticity" ? |
4. |
Besides BEP treatment there are many other treatments for autism and learning disabilities. My child has tried music therapy and behavior modification and is currently on a vitamin program. How do these treatments help my child ? Can a child have BEP treatment and other treatments at the same time? What do you think about treatments other than BEP ? |
5. |
How was BEP first used to treat children with learning disabilities and autism ? |
6. |
My Child is attending a special education day class. He is hyperactive, impulsive, unstable, has almost no learning ability and is unable to sit still in the classroom. His teacher requested us to take him to a child psychologist. |
7. |
Is it possible to do the BEP treatment for a specific symptom or a specific area ? |
8. |
Does BEP have any long-term or short-term side effects? Will the autistic child's health be affected by BEP ? |
9. |
Can the progress continue without regression after the treatment ? |
10. |
Can you recommend any medication for children with special needs even though they do not register in your BEP program ? |
11. |
Can Down's syndrome be cured? Is there any possibility of improvements? |
12. |
What are the differences between the Brain Enhancement Program-II (BEP-II) of 18 months and BEP-I of 4 months program? Does it limited by the age? And what is the proper age for the program? |
13. |
Is age related to the time frame of BEP treatment? Can "miner autism" or "high function autism" require a shorter time for treatment ? |
14. |
Can BEP help children with language processing (language, vocabulary handling, social ability) problems ? |
15. |
Currently the most popular treatments are diet, vitamin intervention and chelation. Why doesn't BEP work with them ? What is your opinion about these treatments ? |
16. |
After BEP treatment a child's enhanced brain function might cause mental and psychological unbalance because of the new awareness. How can the parents help him through this stage? |
17. |
After reading Q&A 16 from the mother of ID#BEP04011 giving her experiences and suggestions, I would like to know if any parents from the Brain Enhancement Program have a child similar in age as my child (8 years old) and if they would share their experiences. |
18. |
My child is attending "Behavioral Treatment" sessions. Can you tell me which of the two treatments, "Brain Enhancement Program" or "Behavioral Treatmezt" is the best for my child? What is your opinion of the "Behavioral Treatment" idea and what, if any, are its shortcomings? |
19. |
What is BEP Einstein-7 ? |
20. |
What is the Gene Tech HP-1 Heating Bag ? |
"BEP" is the acronym for Brain Enhancement Program. BEP was originally developed to help normal children and adults with memory loss or regression of brain function. It was not intended for children with autism or other learning disabilities. After helping the children with learning disorders to get significant improvements for a year, Brain Enhancement Program started focusing on "Autism", " Hyperactive", "Attention Deficits" and "Learning Disorders" research studies.
Unlike traditional medical treatments BEP uses various electrical frequencies and energies to fully activate and stimulate the biochemical functions of all parts of the brain. BEP not only elevates the quality of brain cells, it also energizes the cells and improves blood circulation within the brain. Hence, the energy level of the neuron cells is raised strengthening interconnectivity of the neuron network which achieves better overall integration.
In the last several years there have been significant advances in this medical arena:
- Biotechnology, biochemistry, genetics, cell biology and cancer research have merged into a new field called 'molecular biology'. The amalgamation of these sciences resulted in a more consistent understanding of the structure and function of cells.
- The combining of neuroscience and cognitive psychology created a new field providing fresh concepts and thinking for 'cognition',' behavior', 'learning' and 'memory'.
- The combination of 'molecular biology' and 'cognition neuroscience' formed a new field called 'molecular biology of cognition'. It defines a complete new system connecting 'intelligence' and the 'molecule'.
The main theory of BEP is based on the concept of 'brain plasticity'. Because of the brain's unique ability to regenerate, a traumatized or insufficient part of the brain can heal itself to some extent. Instead of relying on any single cell or neuron the brain uses a network of neuron cells to store memory and to execute. BEP is an effective treatment to improve the biochemical functions of the brain and increase the overall performance of the cerebrum, neuron system, internal secretary system and metabolism.
2. | How is the vitality of brain cells increased? Why aren't related articles or reports seen in the medical fields? |
There are actually many medical reports on new discoveries related to increasing the vitality of brain cells available. Because the various research organizations have a fixed set of research projects, lengthy timing per project or very specialized work it is hard to systematically piece all the information together.
To explain how to increase the vitality of brain cells we first have to examine the structure of the brain.
The human brain weighs about 3 pounds. Each cell weighs around 10-10 pounds and has a volume of about 10-11 liters. There are about 14 billion brain cells. These cells consist of two types:
- Neurons: the basic unit of the brain functions
- Neuralgia: substance that protects and provides nutrition and energy to the neurons.
The brain is divided into three main parts, the cerebrum, cerebellum and brain stem. The cerebrum is divided into the neocortex, paleocortex, limbic system, frontal lobes, parietal lobes, occipital lobes and temporal lobes.
The neocotex is a film, 1 ¡V 2 millimeters thick, covering the surface of cerebrum. It controls thinking and perception. The neocortex is, in other words, "you". Every part of the neocortex has a different function. It is an intricate and marvelous message transmitting system and is the very foundation of intellectual activities. It is responsible for sensory perception, muscle movement, stimulation of thoughts and expression of feelings. Every other part of the brain needs the neocortex for coordination in order to function normally.
Modern medical science still faces the difficulty in completely understanding metabolism and circulation in the body. Although advances in medical techniques have greatly extended human longevity and cured some fatal diseases, metabolism and circulation are still processes that cannot be modified. So, humans, all animals in fact, have to face the aging process. The idea of living for ever has been around a long time, but lately, "anti-aging" has become a top issue in medicine.
Almost all of the top ten fatal human diseases are related, one way or another, to circulation.
The prevailing anti-aging remedies seem to miss the point because the fundamental anti-aging lies in the rejuvenation of the brain, not the body. It is the brain, not the muscles, bones or body that controls the nerve system and endocrine system which sustain body vitality. Imagine what it would be like to have vigorous limbs and a degenerated brain. Or, for that matter, envision a degenerated body and vigorous brain. It is, sadly, the case that many people have strokes caused by hardened or clogged arteries. These people are likely to become immobile and soon the muscles shrink and atrophy.
So, metabolism and the circulation systems degenerate as we get older. The brain cells do not regenerate either which contributes to the overall aging process. We simply deteriorate. The interest in anti-aging has caused brain research to become the latest trend in 21st century bio-tech.
Western medical science has a serious deficiency. Medicine has too many categories and sub-divisions which cause practitioners to specialize in narrow and limited fields. This tends to make a complicated medical issue be diagnosed as having a single cause. For example, the conventional study that shows aluminum toxins can damage genes produced useful information but it ignores a basic fact of biology. Degenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, can have different causes for different people. That's why nearly none of the problems with the brain's nerve system can be treated. The doctors' work is done as soon as the diagnosis is completed. Autism, like Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease, is a peripheral nerve disease which has a very good research basis but, as yet, there is no cure.
BEP is based on biology. It works on the brain's circulation system to enhance the quality and energy of the brain's cells. Brain cells rely on glucose and oxygen as metabolic "fuel". There is a process in the capillaries that generates a slow fuel burning phenomenon, called glucose metabolism, to keep the cells alive. Hence, capillaries play an essential role in human circulation system.
The dense blood vessels and capillaries in the brain supply nutrients to the brain cells. Because the brain controls life the circulation system in the brain is crucial. For example, the width of capillary is about 2 nanometers (about 0.005 the width of a hair) and is easily clogged by insoluble proteins, heavy metals, and blood lipids. When a capillary becomes sufficiently congested the nutrient supply is cut off which leads to the death of some of the cortex nerve cells. This, strictly speaking, is a stroke. Almost everyone has this kind of micro-stroke but we are unaware of it. Presently, anticoagulant medicine is used as a preventive but, as we age, clog-up of the big vessels is unavoidable, not mention clogging of the capillaries.
Recall that about 70% of the human body is water. To improve the circulation system, BEP inputs a specific electrical frequency into the body. This makes the hydrogen atoms in the water molecules vibrate at some frequency which generates about 100 billion oscillations, little wiggles. The energy generated from the oscillating hydrogen atoms changes the water molecules in the blood (83% of blood is water) into tiny active hexagonal water molecules. These geometric molecules are positive-negative balanced and carry oxygen. Now this water can dissolve lipids and what were previously insoluble proteins.
The heat generated by the oscillating hydrogen atoms can dilate capillaries up to 40%. This allows blood to easily channel through the capillaries which, in turn, fully supplies nutrition to the brain cells.
The oscillating hydrogen atoms also activate surface water on the cells (each nucleus is covered with three layers of water membranes) and energize every neuron cell in the brain. This increases the connecting ability among dendrites and is especially helpful in creating neuron detours around damaged dendrites.
BEP treatments encompass a variety of electrical frequencies and energies based on the characteristics of the body and brain functions. The above method is the preliminary step in our therapeutic approach, which mainly increases connectivity among the neuron cells and improves the ecological environment in the brain. So far this method is proving to be effective and almost everyone that participates in BEP makes a lot of progress.
3. | What is "Brain Plasticity" ? It is well-known that between 5,000 and 10,000 brain cells die daily and the number increases every day. How can a degenerating brain be improved? |
A normal human brain has about 100 trillion synapses connecting a neuronal network. Recently, biologists discovered that the point of connection between two neurons is the basic unit of memory; hence, the 100 trillion synapses in the brain represent our memory capacity. Under normal circumstances, we need not worry about a lack of neurons. We should try to figure out how to get the most efficiency from the existing neuronal synapses.
Because it is impossible to count every cell in the brain we can only extrapolate from small samples, arriving at the conclusion that "5,000 to 10,000 brain cells die daily. Not only does the extrapolation method create its own variance (i.e., a miscalculation of the density of neurons), but also the original beliefs (i.e., failure to consider the size of the neurons and the multiple layers within the brain) may be unsound.
Every brain cell contains branches called dendrites. Although there are no medical studies to prove the regeneration of the brain cells, we do know that:
- New dendrites can be made.
- The memory center of the brain, the hypothalamus, is very active and can create new dendrites.
The signals of neurons are almost identical. The signal fired by the neuron for sensing vision is the same as for sound as well as taste. The sensory input signal from touch is identical to the motor output signal for touch. Therefore, the principle of brain function is that information comes not from the neuronal signal itself, but on the path of synapses within the brain.
The connection among neurons is replaceable and has variable paths in the brain to carry different information. This efficiency raises the level of neurons and uses specific electrical frequencies to make the areas in the brain work in synchrony which can improve the ability of all areas in the brain. This is called "brain plasticity"
4. | Besides BEP treatment there are many other treatments for autism and learning disabilities. My child has tried music therapy and behavior modification and is currently on a vitamin program. How do these treatments help my child ? Can a child have BEP treatment and other treatments at the same time? What do you think about treatments other than BEP ? |
There are many treatments available today. For example, harmacotherapy , diet treatment, vitamin intervention (B6, C, magnesium), DMG treatment, secretin method, sensory integration, auditory integration training, Tomatis method, scotopic sensitivity training, cranial osteopathy , daily life therapy, Doman-Delacato training, Chinese Chi therapy, acupuncture, vision therapy, Chinese herbal treatment, and many others. Please refer to "Therapy Resources" for more information.
Some of these treatments are presented in thesis format and are hard to understand unless one is involved in medicine. Some treatments have no theories or foundation but were developed some how by their own strange logic.
There is a lot of variety in autism because it is not only a single neuron in the brain that is damaged; there are a great many defective neurons. Many diseases, including pervasive developmental disorder (PDD), Rett's syndrome, William's disease, neruofibromatosis, tuberous sclerosis, fragile X, Down syndrome, Tourette's syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome and ADD have the same symptoms as autistic abnormal phenomenon.
Pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) is the term for the child of less than 3 years old showing problems with social interaction, language communication and repetitive behaviors.
Research in the field of autism takes different directions based on the technical specialty of the researcher. The conclusions of what causes autism that are reached by the different researchers are different from one another. This makes the causes and cures of autism unknown. For example, a nerve psychologist might use the theory of executing function to explain autistic patients' symptoms in lacking social skills and comprehension. But a genetics researcher may study autism using the idea of multiple biological diseases as the explanation for the same lack of social skills and comprehension.
Therefore, these different theories and suggestions do not allow the medical field experts and scientists to reach common agreement about autism. This causes the parents of autistic children to have no confidence in the various treatments.
So far, the "behavior therapy" is the most important and fundamental treatment for autistic children. Some parents misunderstood and believed their child would be normal after behavior therapy. But that is not the case. Behavior therapy is a training of the cerebellum. It is a repetitive training and can cause reflective behavior that leads to "kinetic memories". Kinetic memory has nothing to do with higher levels of thinking abilities, controlled by the gray matter in the cerebrum, but it is good for life skills training. Children that undergo behavior therapy can learn the basic independent skills such as pouring a drink, going to the bathroom, dressing and eating. The child may not be normal, as the parents would hope, but after behavior therapy the child is more able to care for himself/herself.
Other treatments, like diet treatment, pharmacotherapy, vitamin treatment and DAN, might have positive results for the autistic. There are doubts that the Chinese head acupuncture and theory of refilling energy (weak energy). What is the difference between putting needles all over the head to stimulate peripheral nerves and putting the needles around the nerve systems and all the rest of the body parts? What is the relationship with the central nerve system of the brain?
An eight year old boy, case BEP04006, did vitamin treatment which required taking 46 kinds of vitamin a day and took him the whole day to complete because there were so many to take. He started the BEP treatment and stopped taking vitamins. At first his mother worried that stopping the vitamins may not be a good idea. But she relaxed because after two days of BEP the boy went to window to watch an ambulance with its siren blaring go by in the street. This was the first time in 8 years that he ever noticed his environment. This child has improved dramatically with BEP treatment and without vitamins.
A four year old boy, case BEP04007, stopped the DAN treatment when he started BEP. After 6 months of BEP his parents took him for DAN testing. The report showed he became normal.
The above cases suggest that it is probably a good idea, certainly not bad, to temporarily stop other treatments during the BEP treatment.
5. | How was BEP first used to treat children with learning disabilities and autism ? |
In 2002, I was conducting a BEP in LA for a group of well established middle age and senior people. This particular BEP was designed to reverse the aging process of the brain. The participants hoped to increase the quality and capability of their brains, improve their memory and supersede their current capability. Some of the participants wanted to develop special brain ability and became my students.
At that time, the mother of a 7-year old son referred by her friend came to me she hoped it was possible for her son to attend BEP. As it turns out, the child has a language learning disability and weak oral muscle tone. In order to take care of her son, the mother quit her job as a computer engineer and became a full time mom. Every day she shuttled her son between schools and various therapies. She is also a volunteer at his son's special day class.
I agreed to try BEP on the boy. This was my first encounter with a child with learning disabilities and autism. After a thorough examination, I discovered that, except for poor internetworking functions, the rest of the parts of the boy's brain are intact. I designed a specific BEP for him to address his disabilities. After six-months of BEP the boy showed remarkable improvement. At the time I thought his progress was what is expected from BEP and I did not spend time to study more about learning disabilities and autism.
In February, 2004, the mother of a 13-year-old boy from the San Francisco Bay Area came to LA to participate in a BEP after she heard about the success of the 7-year-old boy. Within a month the 13-year exhibited a miraculous improvement. Subsequently, she invited me to the Bay Area for a special presentation on BEP. When I saw a room full of parents and their children with special needs I realized, for the first time, of the existence of this overlooked population of special children and decided to dig deeper into autism and related disorders.
Starting April 2004, I selected 16 children of various ages and symptoms and divided them into four groups. Each group received BEP for four months. This project lasted 10 months. Among all the 16 participants six of them made miraculous improvements, seven showed significant progress and three showed only a limited response. Of the three that shows little response, one is a 12 year-old girl who, technically speaking, is not on the autism spectrum nor does she have a learning disability but rather she suffered from some kind of problems because of prolonged labor. The other girl is 22 years old and it may be that her relative older age restricted the potential gain from BEP. The last of the three was a boy who originally showed amazing progress, including successful toilet training, after only two weeks of BEP. We were very optimistic about his potential improvement from BEP. However, due to severe emotional instability, his subsequent progress was limited. Currently, he is participating in the long term maintenance program.
6. | My Child is attending a special education day class. He is hyperactive, impulsive, unstable, has almost no learning ability and is unable to sit still in the classroom. His teacher requested us to take him to a child psychologist. |
| As a result he started to take prescription tranquilizers. But he did not show progress in his intelligence portion. Do tranquilizers have any influence on learning ability ? |
| How well does BEP work for a child with hyperactivity and learning disability ? |
This is a bad situation. I will answer your questions.
In the past five years we treated several hyperactive children with learning disabilities. The BEP treatments created improvements and progress that were remarkable. BEP is not a chemical treatment. No tranquilizers are used and all patients are requested to stop taking tranquilizer-type medicines. The reason tranquilizers are given to children is to calm them and make it easier to take care of them. Tranquilizers do nothing good for the children. And there is a risk of harmful side effects that may negatively affect individuals for the rest of their lives.
Some people believe that "thought" controls "emotion". In fact, the "mind" controls "endocrine" and endocrine controls emotion. Therefore, children with hyperactivity and autism symptoms have problems in the limbic system.
The main parts of the limbic system are the hippocampus, amygdala, hypothalamus, thalamus, pituitary gland and pineal. A brief description of each:
- Hippocampus : Acts as the brain's memory center.
The hippocampus stores some short-term and long-term memories. It sends most long-term memories to the neocortex which stores them in DNA format.
The hippocampus mainly stores dull and unemotional facts such as most book learning and semantic memory.
The hippocampus is not fully developed until a child is two years old. We can't remember our infancy stage because we did not have a hippocampus yet so there was no place to store long-term memories.
For Alzheimer's patients the hippocampus is the first area damaged in the brain. These patients lose short-term memory first then begin to lose long-term memory. Learning disabilities of some autistic children may be caused by an under-developed hippocampus or a hippocampus unable to transfer short-term memory to long-term memory storage. If memory can not be formed a person cannot learn
- Amygdala: The main area for processing emotional memories.
The amygdala works with the neocotex to decide how much emotion is contained in each thought. The more emotion a thought carries, the more emotion is moved into long term storage by the amygadala. If the amygadala is under development or removed the person will have a lack of sentiment.
- Hypothalamus: Closely connected to the amygdale, it sends messages to the pituitary gland. The stimulated pituitary gland secretes hormones which are instructions that are then sent to the body parts. The hypothalamus also controls body temperature, thirst, hunger and sexual function. In an emergency, the hypothalamus signals the body to produce more adrenaline to help deal with the crisis.
- Thalamus: The primary function is to decode sensory messages in the body and send them to the brain's parts for processing.
- Pituitary: This pea-sized gland is the main endocrine organ. It controls all the rest of the glands in the body and produces hormones for body function.
- Pineal: Secretes acetylcholine, dopamine, melatonin, etc. which are the necessary neurotransmitters in the brain.
The limbic system is the primary system that works with the cerebrum nerve networks to control the human body by assuring proper operation of the two major systems: the nerve and endocrine systems.
Adult depression problems and hyperactive children attention deficit and learning disorders (ADHD) are mostly caused by problems in the integration of the limbic system; especially in the hormone systems where cortisol (the adrenal gland hormone) is over-produced.
Excessive cortisol damages the brain cells in three ways:
- It interferes with the supply of glucose in the brain. Glucose is the "fuel" for brain cells. When this supply is deficient new memories can not be accumulated and existing memories are difficult to retrieve.
- It interferes with the function of neurotransmitters.
- It causes an excessive amount of calcium in brain cells. Calcium can form free-radical molecules that cause brain cells to become dysfunctional. Eventually calcium kills the brain cells. When the brains of Alzheimer's patients are autopsied, excessive calcium is always found deposited in the brain cells. Calcium is also known to kill very large numbers of neurons
Neuronal death caused by excessive cortisol is especially significant in the hippocampus and the amygdale because these are the primary "sorting and shipping" areas for memories. Excessive cortisol not only causes attention problems, it also damages memory, learning and cognitive functions.
When the brain functions properly the hippocampus signals the hypothalamus which in turn signals the pituitary gland to produce cortisol to some preset level. There is a "feedback" system between the three glands that regulates the amount of cortisol secreted. If cortisol is secreted beyond the "critical point" the hippocampus can be easily damaged.
The hippocampus is often seriously damaged in older people. The loss of 20 to 25 % of their hippocampus cells means the organ is unable to send proper feedback to the hypothalamus. Receiving no signal the hypothalamus keeps generating chemicals that cause cortisol over secretion. As a result, there is more damage done to the hippocampus. A "degenerative cascade" begins that can be very difficult to recover from. The same situation can happen in hyperactive children. But the effect is worse in children because the degenerative cascade has happened before they began to develop learning functions and skills. How can these children have any learning capability?
At a recent seminar, I presented a detailed relationship between the reasons and the results of how a human brain works. At the end of the presentation a few special education teachers stayed to discuss the subject with me. They were confused and uncomfortable about requesting ADHD children to take medicines to control their classroom behaviors in the future.
The primary method of BEP treatment for a hyperactive child is to use the integration and coordination of the "limbic system". The treatment contains several procedures. First, input of specific electrical frequencies to make the pineal normally secret dopamine, acetylcholine and other neurotransmitters. Second, use specific electrical frequencies to integrate the functions of the limbic system. This treatment improves the brain's blood circulation and enhances the function of blood oxidation. In a San Francesco treatment center several severely hyperactive children improved after 2 to 3 weeks of BEP treatment and their learning abilities increased after the children were calmed down.
7. | Is it possible to do the BEP treatment for a specific symptom or a specific area ? |
BEP is not a traditional medical treatment. BEP treatment is non-intrusive; it does not require injections or medicines. The entire brain must be treated, not select areas. BEP focuses on integrating the brain's function, and is not at all like the medical treatment for stroke or brain tumors.
The human brain is the largest, most complex, precise and intensive nerve network system in existence. To keep this system working correctly requires every single part of the brain to coordinate and cooperate perfectly.
For example, the sense of vision. We see an object and that image is stored in long-term memory. The vision system is to send the image of the object, in the form of electrical pulses, to VI in the back area of the cerebrum, then from VI the image is sent in two different pathways. One direction is to the "ventral stream" which goes through the lower part of the cerebrum. The other direction is called the "dorsal stream" which goes through the upper part of the cerebrum. The ventral stream goes into temporal lobe to reach the TE area. The TE area handles high level vision messages; in particular it analyzes the shape and quality of the object. The dorsal stream goes to the parietal lobe (PG area) which analyzes the position of the object as well as its positional relationship with another object, and calculate the distances between observer and the object.
Along these two pathways each area of the brain involved with vision handles something related to the visual messages. Some areas analyze color, other areas analyze movement, and still other areas analyze dimension and direction. As the image being analyzed moves up through the brain's areas, the tendency to analyze the object as a whole increases. When we see an object in space, the ventral stream and dorsal stream are active at the same time. If these areas have enough neurons functional to interact with the frontal lobes' active neurons, whatever we see will be stored in our working memory. Visual activity in the brain can be huge, complex and intensive. But the brain's activity is much more for the higher level of brain activities, such as thinking, language (communication), feeling and comprehension.
BEP is not a fixed style of treatment. There are unique treatment methods based on any patient's condition. But the initial step for all BEP patients is the need to adjust every area of the brain, sort of reset it. If there is no improvement, the patient will receive a series of tests combined with different electrical frequencies and energy inputs. Almost all patients are different in this stage than they were before the BEP began. There is no obvious progress until the last stage, the integration process.
8. | Does BEP have any long-term or short-term side effects? Will the autistic child's health be affected by BEP ? |
The Brain Enhancement Program has been established since 2000. The program was started with adults, and in 2002 it began for autistic children. So far there are no side-effects reported. In one case study, an autistic child took 46 kinds of vitamins a day but stopped them after the second session of BEP treatments. The mother was concerned that elimination of the vitamins might influence his physical and learning functions. However she soon found that her son showed very positive improvements both mentally and physically.
The healing method of BEP is based on inputting energy and specific electrical frequencies to enhance the quality of the brain cells. This process benefits the whole body, e.g., the cells of the bones, organs and muscles are re-energized while receiving the electrical frequency stimulation. Hence, the health will improve and many children grow taller within a few months.
For example, there was a small, skinny child that became the tallest one in the class after BEP treatments and a summer break.
The most impressive case of improvement is a Ratt syndrome's girl. She was not able to stand stable, she wobbled and shook. And she had short breath. After she was BEP treated, she showed significant improvements. She can stand without shaking, her heart and lungs function better, and there is no more short breath.
Better health is a common result for everyone that is Brain Enhancement Program treated.
9. | Can the progress continue without regression after the treatment ? |
BEP is an integration healing method to develop brain capability and improve learning disabilities. BEP does not include behavioral, speech/language or occupational therapies. Except for those patients with severe brain disease, most people show significant enhancements with the program. Enhancements are developed through improvements in memory, comprehension and learning abilities. So, the progress that was made will not stop or regress after the treatment ends.
There is a problem of comparing a BEP treated child with normal children. Most children with learning disorders start to learn after the treatment. The challenge is for the parents and teachers to help them catch up with the normal children.
BEP has a maintenance program after the treatments. It is optional. As stated before, the children do not regress in the improvement of their functions that they developed from the treatment. This maintenance program is designed to help the children to have more aggressive improvements after their parents seeing the progress their child made from the treatment.
We notice that those children, whose parents never give up and aggressively educate them, have amazing improvements. In the past, those children that had difficulty learning were treated as if they did not understand what they were taught. In fact, all the knowledge was stored in long-term memory. Once they learn how to compose the knowledge themselves, they work harder than one would expect. It is very touching!!
10. | Can you recommend any medication for children with special needs even though they do not register in your BEP program? |
The healing method of BEP is based on energy and electrical frequencies; it is not a chemical treatment. There are no prescription drugs involved. Vitamins B complex, Lecithin, etc are used during the BEP treatments and can be found in any local GMC store. There is the example of a child that wasn't even taking vitamins that got the most impressive improvement seen.
11. | Can Down's syndrome be cured? Is there any possibility of improvements? |
Between June and July, 2004, we tried to cure a nine year old Down's syndrome boy with the BEP program. Within one month's treatment period, we found he had increased his vocabulary ability. There was also an improvement in his reaction to people and to the environment. His eyeball pulsate frequency did not increase compared to the previous year's measurement. (Down syndrome children's eyes retrograde quickly. The eyes adjust and focus properly and then continue to pulsate.) We had begun to see some progress with the boy but for some reason the treatment was stopped, which was very unfortunate.
Among the mentally retarded, Down's syndrome is very common. It is caused by an extra #21 chromosome. This #21 chromosome has an amyloid precursor chromosome. If children with this disease live to age 30, almost all of them develop Alzheimer's disease. Their cerebrum areas have amyloid plaque ¡V the same substance is found in Alzheimer's patients.
Anatomical studies of deceased Alzheimer's patient's brains revealed three significant characteristics:
- The inside of the cerebrum has age spots, especially between the hippocampus and cerebral cortex. An age spot is a kind of amyloid protein and is surrounded by three kinds of cells:
- neuron dendrites
- glial cell
- microglia
- Amyloid plaque:
- This accumulated substance is a peptide, about 40 amino acid long, that is dissolved from the amyloid precursor. The amyloid precursor's gene is located at #21 chromosome's long arm and this genetic mutation causes early development of Alzheimer's disease.
- Nerve fiber entanglement:
Some tiny silk-like protein material has clustered and grown around the cell and neuron dendritic area. The material is an abnormal protein. It causes the operation of a normal protein to malfunction and prevents the neuron from performing normally.
- Death of neurons:
- All of the above abnormal cells become infected and die. The remaining nerve fiber entanglement becomes a zone of dead tissue around these infected and damaged cells. When neurons die the synapses lose their normal recognition abilities and fail to operate.
Early development of Alzheimer's disease is usually hereditary. Researchers found that some genetic mutations can cause Alzheimer's disease:
- # 21 chromosome's amyloid precursor's gene
- #14 chromosome gene
- #1 chromosome's presenilin gene
These three mutations are autosomal and cause the amyloid precursor's protein to become abnormal which increases the accumulation of toxic peptite in the cerebrum. This finding makes scientists think that inherited Alzheimer's disease may have only one medical reason: different mutations. These mutations only speed up the toxic amyloid precursor protein accumulated in the cerebrum. This finding has the Down's Syndrome Researchers' support.
Down'a syndrome and Alzheimer's disease seem to have a certain degree of connection. So it may be possible to use the electrical frequencies to re-energize the brain cell's water molecules and separate defective dissolved proteins. This may improve the brain's micro circulation and raise the neuron cell's energy level which could improve the nerve network's overall connection ability.
Will the miracle of BEP's effect on autism cases have the same result on Down's syndrome and Alzheimer's cases? It is the hope that BEP will, indeed, break through
12. | What are the differences between the Brain Enhancement Program-II (BEP-II) of 18 months and BEP-I of 4 months program? Does it limited by the age? And what is the proper age for the program ? |
BEP-II is an 18 months program, an efficient program for a long lasting result, and it has no age limitation, different age levels will get various improvements.
During the years of 2004 to 2007, BEP pin pointed to the child with "Autism, ADD, ADHD and Asperger" symptoms, it was a forth months intensive treatment to elevate the function of brain, raised strengthening interconnectivity of the neuron network. All process had been observed and evaluated by special educational professionals, and manifestly showing the child age from 6 to 12 have greater improvement, child under 6 years old, their brain hasn't fully develop, and over the age of 12 years old, is go into their purity, has slower progress.
Children attended BEP-1, they got a lot of improvements, some of children had an amazingly achieving, but after the program has ended, they slow down the progress compared with stayed with the program. We reviewed each one of the cases, and concluded the result, the 4 month period of time might not be good enough to reinforce the quality of brain, to get the most efficiency results, and it needs continually to strengthen the quality of brain. In 2007, BEP designed Einstein-7 Brain Waves Board and Gene Tech HP-1 heating bag to help with children in continuously improving in the Midbrain Impulse pressure, quality of neuron cortex and neuron cells, elevates the quality of brain cells, raised strengthening interconnectivity of the neuron network which achieves better overall integration during sleep. BEP#4001 and BEP#4011 have improving in their comprehension within a short time by using E-7, BEP#04001 had nominated to represent one of the California Walk Ability students in 2008 spring and BEP04011 appears his painting talent, and he is attending in community college now.
In August 2008, BEP started the second project of Brain Enhancement Program (BEP-II) located in LA, Southern California, for making the most efficiency results, BEP has redesigned the 4 months intensive program to an 18 months program. There are researchers follow up and evaluated the progress for each 3 months, gathered all teachers and parents' observation reports, the age under 6 has the most significant improvement compared with other age levels, the physical and mantel age gaps are less then the age over 13, and teenager shows great improvement in comprehensions awareness, overall BEP-II shows more optimistic improvements then BEP-1 intensive program.
Compared with the 16 cases in 2004 and 21 cases in 2008 we have, according to all clients' brain test reports, there showed the common syndrome, it appeared the low energy in brain areas, but not each one of them in the same brain areas, it could tell the neuron pathway was inhibited in the low energy area caused it lack of the ability to have a proper interconnection. Autism and learning disorders have deficiency in sensory, cognitive and comprehensive functions which are belonged to very pervasive and complicated causes. The brain damages can not be simplified to one cause. The brain has to be improved in the whole biosynthesis, raising the energy level, and increasing the connection and integration of neurons systems in neocortex area, to see the progress. They used to say the "Underconnectivity Theory" within Wernicke's Area and Broca's Area energy unbalance activities, it might be just a hypothesis.
Learning begins from memory. Each thought and all sensory messages will change the biological structure of RNA and generate a single unit of memory. Each brain cell saves a small portion of memory, memory bind the fact is, intelligence is not determined by the size of the brain, but rather by the number of neuron connections. When one neuron cell dies the memory will automatically be transferred to another neuron thus saving the memory. This is called "brain plasticity" and "Redundant circuitry" in medical terms, recently, biologists discover that the point of connection between two neurons is the basic unit of memory, hence, there are about 100 trillion synapses in the brain are useable, theoretically, we need not to worry about a lack of neurons, we should try to figure out how to get the most efficiency from the existing neuronal synapses.
The nerve cells came from the contact of body and motor to the environment including testing, lighting, compressed wavelength. The signals from these neurons are the same. The nerve signal from vision is the same as never signals from hearing and tasting, the signals from sensory input into the nervous system are identical as those signals coming out from the muscles. Therefore, one main principle of the cerebral function is that the message transmitted by the nerve is not determined by the message itself, but rather determined by the pathway of the message in the cerebral. The cerebrum analyzes and explains the transmitted message based on the specific nerve pathway, thus generating comprehension and action. Therefore it processes the vision pathway is different from the hearing pathway..They all needs to under the circumstance of neuron biochemistry function properly within the brain, to accurate the message and produce thinking, language, sensory and cognition, no matter it is inborn or acquired brain function, when lack of proper function in neuron system, endocrine system, blood circulation and metabolism etc, brain lost a normal functional capability.
In 2004, BEP-I reached a great achievement, to get a highest efficiency results, 2008 BEP 2 research project provides Einstein-7 and HP-1 to improve blood circulation within the brain and elevates the quality of brain cells, raised strengthening interconnectivity of the neuron network which achieves better overall integration, BEP-II designs for a 18 months program, to move into the 6 month, BEP-II emerges from its outreach compared with BEP-I.
13. | Is age related to the time frame of BEP treatment? Can "miner autism" or "high function autism" require a shorter time for treatment ? |
The process of BEP treatment takes 4 months (about one circulation period) and does not depend on age.
First, we examine the brain function of each child attending the BEP. Some children might have similar behaviors and symptoms or the same character, but have different brain functions based on their examination reports. (We reminded some specialists that they need to be objective in their analysis their suggestions given to the parents of autistic children. The specialists cannot know a child's real problems without detailed examinations.)
Based on the examination reports, a specific treatment program is designed for each case. There are 60 sessions for a treatment, two hours per session for a total of 120 hours. The first 30 sessions are intensive, five sessions per week. The remaining 30 sessions are reduced to three sessions a week. There may be repetitive and comparison testing on the brain functions after every 10 sessions to verify that the program is properly designed. If the program needs to be changed it will be modified to meet the child's needs.
Some children with "miner autism" or ¡¥high function autism" have a talent for playing piano. Some are good at memorizing things and almost never forget. However examination reports of the brain functions of these children usually show the function of the "hippocampus" and "amygdale" in the limbic system is low and not much different from typical autism. That is the reason why these types of children can not take shorter BEP treatment times.
The brain's limbic system, especially the "hippocampus" and "amygdale", is responsible for sending short-term memory to the long-term memory's neocortex. The "hippocampus" handles non-emotional information and the "amygdala" controls emotional information. Without the limbic system's "hippocampus" and "amygdale" to do "selection and sending" no new information enters long-term memory.
For example, in the movie "Rain Man', starring Dustin Hoffman, the character can memorize the yellow pages and never forget. He is an autistic genius with excellent memory but without social skills. There is a theory that this genius is caused by a very active "motor memory".
"Motor memory" has the peculiar characteristic of being the only memory that works independently requiring no assistance from other parts of the brain's memory.
Actually, the motor memory, also called the skills memory, that allows us to play piano, play ball etc, is a memory such that if you think about what you want to do the less ability you have to actually do it. That's the reason athletes try to meditate. They want to compete "without the reflex of the cerebral cortex thinking", and the body works by following only the muscle's memories.
Of course, humans have higher mind functions. For example, thinking, language, feeling, cognition and logic originates in the neocortex. Most parts of auditory memory are stored in the left side of the neocortex. Visual memory is stored in the right side of the neocortex, and the most motor memory is stored in the cerebellum, not in the neocortex.
Some people that have all three kinds of memory can have an extremely good memory because they can code each memory differently. Any one of the memories can trigger the other two memories.
For instance, some high functioning autistic children with natural strength in "motor memory" can become amazing learners after their cerebral integration is enhanced by BEP.
14. | Can BEP help children with language processing (language, vocabulary handling, social ability) problems? |
Regarding autism language problems, there is a paper titled "Under Connectivity Theory" published by the Carnegie Mellon University & University of Pittsburgh in 2004. The research results reported are:
- In autistic patients the Wernick's area of the brain is much more active than Broca's area. Wernick's area is responsible for handling each word within a sentence. This can explain why autistic patients have excellent ability to handle single words.
- Broca's area is responsible for comprehending a sentence. Since the Broca's area of autistic patients is not active they have problems understanding complicated sentences.
- Every area of the cortical language system in autistic patients has less function and is weaker than that of normal people and is the reason autistic patients can't handle integral matters. This data matches with results of other types of research done on autistic patient's brains with defective cortical areas.
- The nerve connecting integration ability of autistic patient's occipitoparietal area is weak. This denies them the ability to imagine a concept from a verbal description.
According to the paper, "Under Connectivity Theory", autistic patients are lonely. They are unable to conduct normal social behaviors because social behavior requires a very complicated integration of the brain and they do not have that integration. In ordinary communication one person has to understand another person's subtle changes in expression and use words and language that flows properly in the discussion in order to get suitable reactions. This integration of understanding conversation and social activities is far too complicated for autistic patients. In this society being unable to communicate with people is a serious defect and limits the autistic patient's ability to have any kind of normal life.
BEP, first developed in 2002, treats autism by improving the brain's cells quality and integration capability. Many treatments have been given to patients and the results are quite impressive.
In 2003 and 2004, there were many research reports that changed the previous wide inferences of the cause of autism. The data narrowed the cause down to a "deficiency in the brain's integration functions". The results of various researches support the BEP theory and proves that BEP treatment for autism is right on the target.
The majority of children undergoing BEP treatment started talking, non-stop, to themselves after the first week in the program. Their vocabulary increased from a single word, sounding much like a talking parakeet, to broader language. They mumbled words from television commercials, cool and tough language from computer games and story books descriptions they heard. Some repeated Chinese words they had heard. In the beginning most of their talk is in the mouth only, just sounds that are jerky, discontinuous and hard to understand. After one or two weeks of treatment they started to speak more clearly and complete sentences started to show up. These results are pleasing and prove that what the leading scholars who study memory believe: that all long-term memories always exist and are buried in the deep memory storage area of the brain, is, indeed true.
After BEP treatment some children can join in conversation with adults instead of just silently listening. Even so, some may be shy if their names are mentioned. But, the important point is that they are listening. For example, BEP04001 case, in a casual adult-to-adult conversation, it was mentioned that someone will be going on a trip out of town soon. A boy in the room said, "It's a long way to go." He acted naturally and said it properly. Although he was usually quiet and didn't talk much it was clear he completely understood and joined in conversation when he chose.
One year ago his parents thought he could do nothing and know nothing. After the BEP treatment he improved considerably because his parents never gave up on him. It is an important point to think about.
15. | Currently the most popular treatments are diet, vitamin intervention and chelation. Why doesn't BEP work with them ? What is your opinion about these treatments ? |
These are sharp questions.
"BEP" has been practiced for five years and has brought significant improvement to children with autism and learning disabilities. However, it is our style to keep a low profile and independent attitude. We avoid judging other treatments and believe that every treatment can have some effect.
The number of autistic patients is growing and the cause for autism is still unknown. At present, doctors and scientists have not reached a consensus about the cause and the cure of the disorder. But any knowledge or work in the various fields about autism is worthy of respect.
Autistic patients are at a disadvantage because they can not communicate with the outside world. They have no past. They are unable to plan their future and seem only to live for the moment. If normal people can recognize the problems of autism they can also understand that narrow-minded opinions or misconduct concerning autistic people is immoral.
Symptoms of autism are diversified, partly because the reasons for autism remain unknown. Some possibilities are damage in the brain neuron tissues, brain hyperplasia, genetic or other external influences. Since so little is known of autism, research areas and types of treatments will be developed in different directions.
Diet treatment, vitamin intervention and chelation treatment belong to the science of biological treatment and takes the approach of molecular biology. Biological treatment of autism has its own history. It was started by Dr. Bernard Rimland.
Dr. Rimland holds a PhD in psychology. He started the Autism Research Institution in 1967 and has systematically collected data about the causes of autism and its treatments using patients' histories and changes in symptoms. He looked at the differences between biochemical examination of patients and treatments using large doses of vitamin B6, magnesium, DMG, TMG, etc. He studied the immune system, intestines, and metabolism of autistic patients via experiments.
In 1994, doctors and scientists in the U.S. started the DAN (Defeat Autism Now) activity. The hope was to learn how to use harmless treatments for autism symptoms. Dr. William Shaw, well-known in the field of biochemical treatment, was inspired by DAN.
Dr. Shaw is biochemist. He thinks the disease itself changes the biochemical characteristics of the patients. If one has a serious disease such as autism, epilepsy or brain paralysis, there must be one or more chemical reactions that change the original metabolism. He believes that multiple system hindrance can cause autism. These hindrances may be the abuse of antibiotics, yeast over-proliferation, immune system defects, food allergies caused by abnormal diets, inappropriate immunization shots and heavy metal pollution. He shows people how to correctly feed children, to eat and drink properly, to reduce use of antibiotics, to carefully select immunization shots and to be aware of the hazards of environmental and air pollution.
The most powerful evidence of the problems with the biochemical treatment theory is the finding of an infection from measles immunization shots in autism children's intestines. Several high density heavy metals have also been found in autistic children. These were findings of Dr. Andrew Wakefield from the Royal Free Hospital and Dr. Karoly Horvath at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. However, the connection of these physical findings and the biochemical treatment is still hypothetical. In medical research there is always a main stream of concepts and ideas accompanied by branches. Some branches vanish like bubbles while others develop into theory and become new knowledge. We honestly hope Dr. William Shaw's biochemical treatment can develop into new knowledge.
BEP suggests improving autism by increasing the capability of brain cells based on a major discovery about memory in modern biology. The linkage between two neuron cells is the basic memory unit. There are roughly 100 trillion memory units in the cerebrum (new born babies have about 1 trillion memory units) available for use. There is no need to worry about a shortage of neuron cells. The real issue is how to use all this capacity. BEP believes that increasing the linkage ability of the neuron network can achieve maximum brain efficiency.
BEP treatment looks forward to working with any other bonafide treatment. For example, the combined effort of educational organizations and behavioral therapists might enable autistic children to acquire the latest and most suitable education that may enable them to learn quickly and adapt to new environments and new relationships. BEP is also looking forward to working with suitable biological treatments to enhance the body, mind and heart of autistic children.
16. | After BEP treatment a child's enhanced brain function might cause mental and psychological unbalance because of the new awareness. How can the parents help him through this stage? |
<<<This question was answered by the mom of case ID#BEP04011 (1987, 17 years old).>>>
I am really not qualified to answer this very challenging question. It should be answered by the professionals. I can only share my experience since I have encountered this problem and have been struggling with this issue.
After a child finishes the BEP treatment, the brain is enhanced enough to understand more about his environment. But there is a big problem: the child is not a new born baby and has no memories in his long term memory bank. Instead, he has several years of memory stored in the long term storage part of the brain. And now he suddenly has access to these memories.
For pre-teen children:
- There are less long term memories and few habits.
- TThe school systems and professional consultants currently have various programs to help them.
So, these children have less trouble adjusting themselves to their environment. If parents need advice on how to help their pre-teen children, it is best to work with the professionals who have a lot of information and can better guide the parents.
Teenage and older children do not have the same benefit as the younger children. There is no school program to deal with young adults that suddenly have new potentials. These young adults will have tremendous challenges and will depend solely on the parents to help them. The parents will have to struggle right along with the children to get through this difficult stage.
Here are some examples of what some of the problems might be:
- Why is it not good enough now but it was excellent before?
- Why does he need to do more and harder homework than before?
- Why does he have to behave like a normal person now when he did not need to before?
- He has some old memories buried in some place with his own incorrect interpretation.
- When parent asks him to do something he dilly dallies and comes up with tons of reasons for not doing what is asked.
Rebellion of a young adult may not be just obstinacy. I feel the rebellion is a method the young adult uses to try to tell the parents that he is not baby or useless or vulnerable any more. He is frustrated. And since the young person cannot yet articulate his frustration, he acts it out as a rebellion.
I recommend:
- Listen carefully to what the young adult has to say.
It requires tremendous effort and patience to get the young adult to talk about what he/she really wants because it is a new skill for him/her to express properly. In addition, the parents need to read between the lines. In this way, the parents may learn that the young adult has some misinterpretation of the old memories that have just surfaced and the parents, reading between the lines, can now help the young adult with what he/she really needs or wants.
- Give the young adult the facts of why he/she has to do things in certain way.
If the young adult does not agree, tell him/her of the consequences in the real environment. If the young adult still insists on doing his/her way then let him/her learn the real consequences. Do not shield him/her from the damage, unless, of course, the consequences may injure someone. Learning the hard way, under the protection of the parents, might be the only way for him/her to learn. This scheme is much better than what he/she might encounter without the parent's guidance and protection.
17. | After reading Q&A 16 from the mother of ID#BEP04011 giving her experiences and suggestions, I would like to know if any parents from the Brain Enhancement Program have a child similar in age as my child (8 years old) and if they would share their experiences. |
Please know that I am not a special education expert, only the parent of a special child. So, in answering this question I am just sharing the experience of my son going through the BEP program for 6 months with other families that have children with special needs.
I believe that every family with a special needs child is more worried about the future of the child than they would worry about the future of a normal child. Some even make a life plan for their special child. I offer my experience and opinion on this delicate and difficult subject. I do not know whether I have made the right arrangements for my son so I am still in the process of adjusting myself to the boy's needs.
My son has a speech and language disability along with an auditory processing issue. He is in the third grade in a regular education environment that has resources for special help in speech therapy. His reading comprehension and math problem solving skills are quite behind his peers. I had to hire a private tutor to help him in language art and auditory processing exercises. Besides the tutor, he and I worked very hard reviewing the concepts using the approach of repetitive teaching. We do this exercise every weekday evening and on the weekends. It is tedious and difficult, but necessary.
At the end of last year a mother, whose child had just finished the BEP intensive program and moved to the BEP maintenance program, introduced me to the BEP. My initial understanding was that BEP would promote brain function, brain energy level and enhance connectivity of the neuron system. If BEP was able to help my child, it would be the miracle I was always looking for.
So, we started the BEP and after 2 months of treatment I could see that my son's speech and reasoning skill had obvious improvements. His thinking maturity started to grow. But at the same time I got both positive and negative feedback from his school.
There was the good news that his oral report in front of the whole class was presented well after a lot of preparation in evenings and his math problem solving skills had improved.
- He presented a good report to the class and was able to answer un-expected questions from the students. This is something he could not do before.
- He got the highest score (12/14) of the resource room in a test on solving complicated math problems.
However, during this time his attitude in the class became spacy. He was not focused and not willing to ask or accept help from his teacher and peers. He liked to do it by himself and if he was unable to do it he became upset and withdrawn. His frustrated emotion might last for the rest of the day and it impacted his lesson learning.
Facing this big change I discussed with my son, the tutor and school teachers about what to do. We figured out that he needed time to adjust after his thinking ability was increased by the BEP. He became more aware and started to compare himself with his peers. Then, importantly, he realized he was lagging behind his school mates. He asked some good questions:
- Why can his peers understand the lessons immediately and he cannot?
- Why does he always need to study harder in the evening on his homework and practice repetitively? These were the same things we had always done but he never complained before.
At this stage, after the brain's function has improved and comprehension ability has increased, I believe it is very important for the parents and teachers to help the child learn. I did the following for my son because he is more than two years behind his peers:
- I prepare educational materials for him that are suitable for his level.
- I encourage him to fill the gaps.
- I help him learn and understand the same lessons his peers are studying in an effort to reduce his frustration.
It is important, and I hope, that the special education teachers are able to adjust their view of the special needs children. These children have changed: they can now make progress and can learn new concepts just as normal children do. It is my hope to give my son the best education environment possible so he can happily learn and grow without the tears of frustration.
Now summer is coming and I needed to prepare for the upcoming school year. I discussed the arrangement for my son's 4th grade teacher with the school principle. She listened, was forthright and I appreciate her open mind. My son got the most suitable and most experienced teacher who is willing to listen and work with parents for his 4th school year. I hope to work with this teacher and plan to make my son study better and with more confidence.
Facing the new challenge of the 4th grade, which is a much bigger class than before (increased from 20 to 33 students), every child needs to adapt and learn new concepts and new class rules. It is a big transition and an enormous challenge for my son.
After the BEP treatment my son's growth and achievement took a big step forward. I deeply believe if he could have received BEP treatments several years earlier we would not have suffered through such a long and difficult time. But that did not happen. Now, I am full of confidence and am extremely happy when I think about my son. He still has his ups and downs in learning. But, compared with his past learning disabilities, where he was unable to break through the bottle neck, he is succeeding and we all experience totally different feelings.
Now, looking back, if my son had not received the BEP treatments, we could never have imagined that he might be able to catch up with his peers. I hope my son can build up his confidence like his peers soon!
18. | My child is attending "Behavioral Treatment" sessions. Can you tell me which of the two treatments, "Brain Enhancement Program" or "Behavioral Treatment" is the best for my child? What is your opinion of the "Behavioral Treatment" idea and what, if any, are its shortcomings? |
Because I am not a researcher in "special education", I can only offer my personal opinions:
I think some sort of "Behavioral Treatment" is necessary for children with autism or learning disorders. Because special children have learning disabilities and have a hard accepting new ideas and concepts, "Behavioral Training" can help them learn the rules of behavior and independent life skills. If parents are able to teach their child then the child may not need professional "Behavioral Treatment".
"Behavioral Treatment" uses different teaching methods. Some are "Applied Behavioral Analysis", "Discrete Trials", "Natural Language Paradigm" and "Pivotal Response Training". Teachers use these various methods to repetitively instruct and train children to develop their learning mechanisms.
Strictly speaking, "Behavioral Treatment" is not a treatment; it is a training method that focuses on teaching the cerebellum. The purpose of repetitive training is to increase the child's memory and to generate instinctive reactions to the "experience rules" such as eye contact and behavioral correction. Although it is good for training basic life skills it does not improve thinking, language, comprehension and recognition which are controlled by the neocortex.
Any training method is good as long as it helps the child. I do, however, disagree to some training methods. For example, some trainers do eye contact training by giving the child a secret sound or whistle instead of their name, or they may use candy or cookies to get the child's attention. These methods are similar to animal training and the side effect is to create bad habits the child will use. The child will fight for the rewards of candy or cookies as soon as the treats are seen regardless of anyone or anything. His complete focus is on the sweets, not on the lesson intended.
Incidentally, in Germany and Japan animals are no longer trained using this kind of reward method because it is believed the animal loses its self-respect.
Using the Brain Enhancement Program (BEP) along with some kind of "Cognitive Behavioral Therapy" seems to be the best plan. So far, children have improved using the BEP". Their understanding ability increases and they begin to know the meaning and purpose of behavioral training. Special children are not like machines: one action for one command. They need complex guidance and training. Proper training is better, and perhaps it is even easier, to rectify their incorrect behavior. We have learned that, after the BEP treatment, there is an increase in their language skill and their vocabulary grows. This is the best time for them to get "speech therapy" to learn how to express themselves better.
The purpose of BEP Einstein-7 (limited 99 units) is to develop the great potential of human brain, escalate the quality of the entire brain cells, and increase the connection and integration of neurons systems in each neocortex area.
The wave frequencies from Einstein-7 can stimulate the communication of brain neurotransmitters, normalize the chemicals cascade of Pons, increase the functionality of limbic system and help the energy reaction from the area of 39 to the area of frontal lobs in cerebral cortex.
The first peak development of brain neuron cells is between the age 5 and 6 when the neurons gradually grow thicker.
- The synapses connecting the neurons develop many communication signal pathways.
- Network of synapses in neocortex gradually forms and becomes thicker.
The second peak development of brain neuron cells is between the age 11 and 12. During this time, boys and girls can reach the thickest synapses in neocortex area.
Between the age 12 and 20, teenagers will experience an even more important brain development process different from that of the childhood. During this period, the quantity of brain neuron cells and their synapses will change and make a big leap in the brain functionality. Puberty is a critical period from childhood to adulthood. It is associated with not only the physical change and growth but also the personality development.
Neurological research has shown that the brain determines the personality development and learning capability. Once missing this golden period, it will be regrettably not recoverable. The prerequisite for developing the brain function is that the brain cells obtain needed carbohydrate and oxygen from blood circulation to regularize the neurotransmitter's biosynthesis and its secretion. And abnormal blood circulation is the primary cause for the brain damage.
25% of the blood pumped out from the heart is used by the brain. Therefore, the brain can be easily damaged by the abnormality of the blood circulation system, especially the blocked capillaries circulation that can cause damage to major brain regions. Millions of brain neurons will die gradually due to the declination of the blood flow and thus causing the brain degeneration.
Most damages usually occur in the areas related to the memory function. For instance, for the hippocampus that is related to the short-term memory, when deceased cells exceed 20%, it will cause unrecoverable degeneration of the memory. It will not only cease to create new memories but also stop to retrieve the old ones. In all cases of severe degeneration, over 20% of them were caused by dysfunctional blood circulation; and when a person has dementia symptom, his brain is already severely damaged mainly caused by the declination of blood into the brain.
A major cause of ADD symptom is insufficient oxygen from blood circulation into the brain. The cerebral cortex neurons become lack of energy, causing attention deficit disorder, and limit the learning capability. ADHD has the hyperactive symptom which is caused by the abnormal function of central nerve system and endocrine system. Sympathetic Nervous System and Parasympathetic Nervous System have a big gap in the electrical potential (voltage), which leads to severe brain damages as a result of the uncontrollable release of Cortsor.
The design for Einstein¡V7, combine with GT Heating bag , will be the most efficient way to improve the brain blood circulation, stimulate the neurotransmitters to regularize biosynthesis, and activate and energize brain cells.
This comprehensive and total enhancement is suitable for any type of symptoms. It is important that the children who have already attended BEP programs should continue their participations in order to achieve the long-term effects.
Before launching this project, there have been several autistic students participating in the initial research work, and the outcome within such a short period is impressive in the following areas:
- Emotional Management:
- Improvements in emotion control and social skill
- More tolerant of the environment changes
- More flexible in accepting suggestions
- Thinking, language process, sensation, and cognition:
- Improvements in language input and output process ability, and verbal expression
- Stay the same topic in simple sentences
- Learn new subjects quicker
- Problem solving ability:
- Able to understand and analyze problems (with totally different from the previous approaches)
- Find the solutions by themselves or by asking others for help.
- Organizing ability:
More flexible and less stubborn on how to work on tasks.
- Awareness
- More aware of the social relationship and others' emotional reactions
- Capable of differentiating the importance or priority of various issues
The unique design of Einstein¡V7 placed under the pillow, along with a GT Heating bag (microwave for 2 and half minutes) above the pillow and under the neck, will be the most efficient way to generate the curing effects while the patient is in sleep.
- The power of the energy wave from BEP Einstein¡V7 has an effective range of 30cm in radius.
- It stimulates the neurotransmitter's biosynthesis and activate and energize the brain cells during sleep.
- Escalate the energy level of brain cells, enhance the communication between neurons to neurons, improve the energy power projected from the brain 39 area to the frontal lobs, and increase the ability of thinking, language process, cognation, sensation and awareness to the highest levels of mental processing.
- Stimulate the long-term potential, create the memory pathway, and increase the capability in learning.
- Continually making improvement in the long run while saving time and energy.
Gene Tech HP-1 Heating Pad is made of very unique materials. Those suffering from ADD, ADHD and Autism syndrome have the common symptoms. It makes insufficient pressure in the area of Midbrain Nerve Impulse, which results in the cerebral neuron cortex to lack in energy. This lack of energy causes attention deficit disorder, and severely affects the learning capability. The primary design for Gene Tech HP-1 heating Bag use is to reinforce the pressure of the Midbrain Nerve Impulse, stimulate the neurotransmitters to regularize biosynthesis, activate/energize brain cells, and completely improved the brain blood circulation.
25% of the blood pumped out from the heart is used by the brain. Therefore, the brain can be easily damaged by any abnormality caused by the blood circulatory system, especially the blocked capillaries that can cause damage to major brain areas. Millions of brain neurons will die gradually due to the decrease in blood flow over time and thus causing the brain to degenerate as we age.
Over 20% of seniors cases show severe degeneration in cognitive where one becomes dementia/confused or, often times it has been gone through many slightly strokes, and the brain has been damaged severely. Often we can see the symptom but then the stroke is feeling tired, all this is a result of the declination of blood into the brain.
Until the age of 30, the human brain becomes atrophied due to neuron cells dying dramatically. After the age of 40 and 50, the brain lightens at least 2% in weight for each 10 years. Most damages usually occur in the areas related to memory function. Between the ages of 60 and 70 years old, the hippocampus and amygdala in the limbic system atrophies 20% to 25%. The myelin then shall cover the neuron, this occurs severely in the limbic system.
A normal functional brain system needs to have a balanced number of neurotransmitters, the significant neurotransmitters produce by the Pons include the following: Acetylcholine, Serotonin, and Adrenaline etc.
A major cause of ADD symptoms is the low pressure of Midbrain Nerve Impulse and insufficient oxygen to the brain, which results in the cerebral cortex neurons to lack in energy, causing attention deficit disorder, and limiting the learning capability. ADHD has the hyperactive symptom, which is caused by the malfunction of central nerve system and endocrine system. Sympathetic Nervous System and Parasympathetic Nervous System have a big gap in the electrical potential (voltage), which leads to severe brain damage as a result of uncontrollable release of Cortsor.
The first peak development of brain neuron cells is between the age of 5 and 6 when the neurons gradually grow thicker. The synapses connecting the neurons develop many communication signal pathways. Network of synapses in neocortex gradually form and become thicker.
The second peak development of brain neuron cells is between the age 11 and 12 years. During this time, boys and girls can reach the thickest synapses in the neocortex area, after this period of time; they go through learning and stimulation to increase the neuron network interconnection. The prerequisite for developing the brain function is that the brain cells obtain needed carbohydrates and oxygen from blood circulation to regularize the neurotransmitter's biosynthesis and its secretion.
Place Gene Tech HP-1 heating bag under the neck after warm up/heat, it improves the brain blood circulation, stimulates the neurotransmitters to regularize biosynthesis, and activate/energize brain cells.
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